Study of gall bladder disease with incidence of gall bladder malignancy
Background: To identify and evaluate the predisposing factor in gall bladder disease prospectively and to study the incidence of gall bladder malignancy in gall bladder disease.
Methods: The present study included 240 patients who were distributed in three groups. About 198 patients of cholelithiasis, 27 patients of carcinoma gall bladder and 15 other patients of gall bladder disease were included. Findings of the patients were tabulated to reach the possible association of the factors concerned with a particular gall bladder disease.
Results: The highest incidence of carcinoma gall bladder was in 7th decade oflife in females and 6th decade in males and the highest incidence of cholelithiasis in 6th decade for males as well as females. Carcinoma gall bladder in females was 2.375 times more than males while this ratio in gallstones was 1: 2.54 in favor of females.
Conclusion: Gallstone associated symptoms are non-specific and accurate diagnosis cannot be reliedonclinical assessment alone.Careful clinical evaluation can guide patient selection for diagnostic imaging andappropriate management of those found to harbor stones.
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