Demographic study of hemorrhoid with analysis of risk factors
Background: Hemorrhoids are the most prevalent benign anorectal disorder diagnosed in clinical practice. Risk factors commonly associated with hemorrhoidal disease include low fiber diet, chronic constipation & diarrhea, straining during defecation, pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle, obesity etc. Treatment of symptomatic first-degree, second degree and early third-degree hemorrhoids includes banding and sclerotherapy. Patients with fourth-degree or large third-degree hemorrhoids should be referred for hemorrhoidectomy surgery.
Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in the department of surgery in J.K. Hospital Bhopal. 430 adult patients with diagnosis of hemorrhoids, admitted in surgery ward were included in this study. All the relevant details were obtained from medical record department with all demographic details.
Results: Most of the patients (46%) belongs to the younger age (20-40 years). 69% were male patients and 31% were female patients. Patients with higher socioeconomic status were most commonly affected group (37.2%) with hemorrhoids. Commonest symptoms was Bleeding per rectum. In the present study, risk factors for hemorrhoids were low fiber diet, mixed diet, poor hydration, chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during the defecation, low physical activity and obesity. Sclerotherapy (11.1%) and rubber band ligation (4.1%) were non operative treatment. Operative procedures performed in the present study were open hemorrhoidectomy (81.4%) and stapled hemorrhoidopexy (3.2%).
Conclusion: This demographic study of hemorrhoidal disease in this region can guide us to better understand the trends of this disease which is most commonly encountered in our society.This useful information may aid in the assessment and definitive care of these patients with hemorrhoids.
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