Retrospective analysis of Intramedullary K-Wire fixation of Metacarpal Fractures
Introduction: The majority of fractures of the metacarpal bones occur at a young age. Most of the times these metacarpal fractures can be treated conservatively in a POP slab (cock up slab) producing good functional results. Surgery was indicated in patients with palmar dislocation of >30° and shortening of >5 mm. Our study aimed to evaluate the clinical results of all metacarpal fractures treated surgically by intramedullary Kirschner-wire fixation presented in our hospital.
Materials and Methods: It was a retrospective study in which we included 50 patients with metacarpal fractures(both open andclosed) that came in our hospital, treated surgically by closed reduction and were fixed with two intramedullary k-wires.
Result: K-wires were removed after 4 weeks postoperatively,under local anaesthesia in the OPD. Metacarpal joint functions (flexion, extension, rotation) were clinically followed up in all patients, on the median periodof6 months (3 months to 9 months). In our study, we found in all patients,flexion and extension were normal on both sides.
Conclusion: Closed reduction and intramedullary k-wire fixation of metacarpal bone fractures produce good functional results in the longterm. We found a very low rate of complication and thus recommendthis surgical method for the stabilization of all these types of fractures.
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