A comparative study of surgical accesses to breast fibroadenoma
Introduction: A Breast lump is a major health concern amongst women.Increased awareness has resulted in patients seeking early surgical consultation. Surgical resection is traditionally done by Fibroadenoma excision through an overlying incision (FETOI). This technique results in marked scarring. Another approach to Fibroadenoma excision through a periareolar incision (FETPI), which pays special attention to incision location to preserve cosmesis. In this study we assessed the cosmetic superiority and early complications of employing these two incisions in patients with fibroadenoma.
Materials and Methods: A prospective non-randomised study of 70 patients who were divided into two groups as per the criteria described in materials and methods section, was carried out in our hospital between April 2015 to September 2017. Examination carried out in detail and diagnosis was established by clinical examination and USG of breasts followed by FNAC of lump. Patients were subjected to FETPIand FETOI Procedures and results were compared.
Results: The incidence of early complications such as pain, hematoma and skin flap bruising at post-op day 1, day 2 and day 3 follow-ups did not differ significantly between two groups (P-value>0.05 for all). The distribution of total cosmetic score is significantly better in Group A compared than Group B (P-value<0.001 for all). The distribution of self-assessment score at post-op 1-month, 3-months and 6-months follow-ups is significantly better in Group A compared to Group B.
Conclusion: The FETPI technique yields superior cosmetic and self-assessment results with minor incidence of early postoperative complications.
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