Clinical study of liver abscess
Background: The aim of our study was to study general considerations, etiological and predisposing factors, symptoms and signs and various modalities of treatment of liver abscess.
Methods: We have taken 60 cases having proven liver abscess. All data collected from these cases was compared statistically. A predesigned proforma was used to collect this information for individual case. All selected cases were studied upto discharge regarding the type of liver abscess and treatment modalities.
Results: Amoebic liver abscesses were more common than pyogenic liver abscesses. Liver abscesses were more common in 5th decade followed by 6th decade. Liver abscesses were more common in males than females; Diabetes mellitus (35%) and Alcoholism (23.3%) were the most common predisposing factor in our study. Single abscess was a finding in 71.66% and multiple abscess in 28.33% of patients.
Conclusion: The modern day ultrasound and other non-invasive imaging techniques had greatly revolutionized the diagnosis and management of the liver abscess.Conservative management with IV antibiotics and USG guided percutaneous aspiration of liver abscess are most frequent treatment modalities used now; with fewer complications.
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