Radiographic study of proximal ulna dorsal angulation in south Indian population
Background: The normal structure of proximal ulna is unique among long bones as described in the literature. Proximal dorsal angulation of ulna (PUDA) was not detailed in standard anatomical textbooks. The identification of PUDA is an important anatomic landmark for surgeons treating proximal ulna fractures, nonunions, malunions or osteotomies of proximal forearm in results of fractures. The study was conducted to identify the PUDA and to measure the distance from tip-to-apex of PUDA in bilateral elbow radiographs.
Materials & Methods: The present study was conducted on 56 bilateral elbow radiographs (26 Male, 30 Female), which are obtained from department of radiology. The radiographs were analyzed and measurements were recorded on each radiograph to identify the PUDA, later olecranon tip-to-apex distance of the PUDA was also measured.
Results: No significant differences were observed in mean age of male and female patients. The measurements were recorded and entered in standard excel data sheet for analyzing PUDA in various patients. It was identified that 84% of the radiographs presents PUDA.
Conclusion: Determination of the PUDA may be helpful in anatomic plating of the ulna for fractures, nonunions or malunions. Side to side correlation of PUDA with gender difference is reliable for recommendation to medical manufacturers for modelling ulna plates and components of artificial elbow joints.
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