“Clinical Profile and Outcome of Diabetic Foot Ulcer in South Indian Tertiary Care Centre”
Aim: To study the clinical profile and outcome of diabetic foot ulcer in a Tertiary Care Centre. The clinical profile of 200 patients with diabetic foot ulcer was studied.
Methods: Patients with diabetic foot ulcer of both genders with age above 18 years willing to participate were included in the study. All patients were subjected to routine diabetic work up with Doppler study and X-ray foot to rule out bone involvement.
Results & discussion: The majority of patients with diabetic foot ulcers were of age group 51 to 60 years, male predominant, mostly with a duration of diabetes mellitus more than 6 years had intermittent claudication and most population with a single ulcer.
Conclusion: Our study gives important information that diabetic foot ulcer is more common among middle-aged people with male predominance which gives the importance of screening diabetic patients for neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease.
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