Management of midshaft clavicular fracture with help of locking plates: a prospective study
Background and Aim: One of the most common human skeleton fractures is middle shaft clavicular fracture. it had been traditionally treated non operatively. The present study was undertaken to study the part of surgical treatment in fresh displaced or communited clavicular fracture.
Materials & Methods: A total of 25 patients with midshaft clavicular fractures were included in the study. All the patients were planned to be treated with locking compression plates and screws.
Results:Of the total 25 patients; 20 patients had direct injury to the clavicle as the cause of the fracture whereas 5 patients had indirect injury to the clavicle. The functional outcome of the treatment: 85% had excellent outcome, 10% had good functional outcome and 5% had fair outcome.
Conclusion: This study shows rigid fixation with locking compression plate and screws for fresh displaced or comminuted middle third clavicle fracture gives immediate pain relief and prevents the development of shoulder stiffness and non union
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