Clinical and functional evaluation of anterior cruciate ligament tears after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Introduction: There have been many studies on ACL reconstruction and its outcome. In our study, we used single bundle reconstruction as the technique for Indian rural population as it is one of the most reliable technique for ACL reconstruction after the injury.
Aim: To study the pattern of clinical and functional evaluation of anterior cruciate ligament injury after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Objectives: (1) To assess the pattern of anterior cruciate ligament injury and instability caused by it (2) To study the clinical & functional outcome of ACL in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction in patient with ACL tear.
Results: The outcome scores themselves, at the end of 12 months follow up were significantly better in operated patient. We found better knee function and patients were able to do their daily activity normal (as before the injury). Results of our study were compared with other study done worldwide and we also found better results and better life style in post operated patient of ACL. The study concludes that, Arthroscopic ACLR is a good choice for ACL reconstruction and HS grafts were a good choice for reconstruction along with endobutton and screw. This study shows that ACL is one of most important ligament in the knee joint and must be taken care of for a better knee function.
Conclusion: The reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament tears with hamstring tendon grafts gives a very good clinical and functional outcome.
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