Comparison of treatment outcome following rubber band ligation vs injection scleratherapy for treatment of hemorrhoids: a prospective observational study
Background: Most common anorectal diseases seen in the community is hemorrhoids. The treatment aspect of each stage of hemorrhoids varies. Conservative treatment for first and second stages is preferred. Failure of conservative treatment and advanced diseases hasother options like sclerotherapy, ban ligation, cryosurgery and stapling. The objective of the present study is to compare treatment outcome of rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy in stage 2 hemorrhoid cases.
Methods: Prospective observational study including uncomplicated stage 2 hemorrhoids cases was conducted in department of general surgery, Velammal Medical College. Madurai. The study population was divided into two groups by random allocation treatment procedure of rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy was allotted. The study was conducted during March 2018 to December 2018.
Results: Total of 116 patients were included for analysis. The mean of group I was 53.2±4.63yrs and in group II was 52.7±5.37 yrs. The male and female distribution was almost similar in both groups. 41 of the group I patients and 37 of group II patients had stage 2 disease. 29% in group I and 36% in group II had stage 3 disease. In group I, 82.75% participants had complete recovery and 10.35% participants had partial recovery. In group II, 79.31% participants had complete recovery and 17.51% participants had partial recovery. The difference in the proportion of post-operative outcomes between study groups was statistically not significant. Comparison of pre and post-operative SS score between the two study groups was statistically significant.
Conclusions: Stage 2 and 3 hemorrhoids warranting OPD based interventional procedures were presented with almost similar set of symptoms. The rubber band ligation and injection sclerotherapy both had similar post treatment outcome. Based on the patient’s willingness and surgeons’ decision any method can be chosen for the benefit of the patient.
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