Comparative study of radiological and clinical outcomes by using single and double interlocking distal screws for humerusshaft fractures
Background: The aim of this study was to make a comparative analysis of radiological and clinical outcomes of using either one or two interlocking distal screws on ahumerus intramedullary nail for the internal fixation of humeral shaft fractures.
Methods: From April 2010 to April 2015, 30 patients were enrolled with humeral shaft fractures who were operated on using intra medullary humerus nails. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to how many interlocking distal screws were used to lock the humerus nail: in group 1, a single interlocking distal screw was used in 16 patients; and in group 2, double interlocking distal screws, in 14 patients. We compared the degree of recovery of the displaced fracture fragments between the two groups. Shoulder function of patients wereassessed by modified American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) score.
Results: We found that 15 (93.7%) fractures achieved union in group 1, and 13 (92.8%) of fractures, in group 2. There was no meaningful difference in the time to bone union and the recovery of displaced fracture fragments between the two groups. At the final follow-up, we found that the scores for shoulder joint modified ASES was 76.2 for group 1 and 79. 1 for group 2.
Conclusions: This study shows that if locked appropriately, even a single screw on a humerusnail can provide satisfactory radiological union and improved clinical outcome after intramedullary nailing of humeral shaft fractures.
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![Comparative study of radiological and clinical outcomes by using single and double interlocking distal screws for humerusshaft fractures](