Clinico pathological study of right iliac fossa masses and their management
Aim: The present study aims to study causes, modes of presentation, investigations of choice and management of right iliac fossa masses. Materials and
Methods: A prospective study was undertaken on 50 patients presenting with mass in right iliac fossa to surgery outpatient department during the period august 2015 to October 2017. All cases were investigated and managed as per protocol and their data recorded. All the demographic variables were tabulated as per percentage among total cases.
Results: In this series out of 50 patients, 23 patients (46%) diagnosed to have Appendicular mass followed by Ileocaecal TB (20%), Appendicular abscess (16%), CA Caecum (12%) and psoas abscess (6%). Appendicular pathology is more common in 3rd decade, Ileocaecal TB in 4thdecade, CA Caecum and Psoas abscess in 6th decade.In total of 50 patients, 28 (56%) were males and 22 (44%) were females. In the present study pain was the commonest symptom of presentation seen in all cases, fever was present in 78% cases, vomiting was present in 42% cases, loss of weight and appetite was present in 24% cases, constipation was present in 16% cases, diarrhea was present in 8% cases, mass per abdomen was present in 26% cases.
Conclusion: The common cause of right iliac fossa mass is of appendicular pathology followed by lleocaecal TB, Carcinoma caecum and psoas abscess in that order, with male preponderance and most of cases falling in 3rd decade.
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