A clinical study to predict the outcome of patients with hollow viscus perforation in a tertiary care hospital using manheim peritonitis index
Introduction: Since a longtime multiple effort are been put forwarded to design an effective scoring system as to predict the outcome as to mortality and morbidity of patients admitting to hospitals with hollow viscus perforations. Of number of proposed systems Mannheim Peritonitis index is quite simple and effective scoring system proposed to predict the outcome of the patients admitted to hospital with hollow viscus perforations.
Objective: To assess the validity of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) for predicting the surgical outcome, mortality and morbidity of cases presenting with Hollow viscus perforation.
Method: Current prospective study was one over a period of three years form 2014-2017 at Department of Surgery, Government Medical College, Anantapuramu and included 100 cases between 17-46 years of age.
Results: The results of the current study indicated that duodenal perforations are common amongst the hollow viscus perforations, clear exudates were common among peritonitis cases. about 50% of cases presented with postoperative complications. Subjects fitting into MPI scores between 22-29 presented with surgical site infections. higher MPI scores are associated to higher ICU stays. Higher score are observed in cases with feculent and purulent exudates and in turn to relatively more number of complications.
Conclusion: The Mannheim Peritonitis index provide a novel and excellent platform as to predict the surgical outcome, mortality and morbidity in cases of hallow viscera perforations with peritonitis with all associated issues related to the conditions.
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