Aspiration and methylprednisolone injection to the cavity with IV cannula needle in the treatment of volar wrist ganglia
Objective:There are several types of treatment modalities recommended for wrist ganglions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cyst aspiration and methyl prednisolone acetate injection by usingdouble IV cannula, as a new technique involar ganglia treatment.
Methodology:The study involves total of 24 patients who received treatment by aspiration and methyl prednisolone injection into the cavity. Two IV cannulas are pricked to the cystic cavity. Cyst fluid is drained by the distally placed IV cannula meanwhile injecting methyl prednisolone by proximally placed IV cannula. The patient records and follow-up reports are retrospectively investigated. The patient age, sex, site of the cyst, the treatment that was applied, adjacency to the artery and the nerves and recurrence are recorded.
Results:The study involved 24 patients that received aspiration treatment for volar ganglion cysts between June 2011 and July 2014. Patients mean follow up time was2.4 ±0.2 years. There were 16 (63.3%) female and 8 (36.6%) male subject with volar wrist ganglia. The mean age of the patients was 30.63±6.8 years. This study didn’t reportany complication related to methyl prednisolone injection and arterial ischemia. Recurrence was observed in 4 (16.6%) patients.
Conclusion:This method is found to be associated with lower recurrence rate than other aspiration therapy. We highly recommend to use IV cannula needle for ganglionic cyst aspiration and methyl prednisolone injection in treatment of volar ganglia prior to any surgical intervention.
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