Early functional outcome of intercondylar humerus fractures fixed with precontoured dual plating in inverted Y-Fashion
Objective: In this study we report the functional outcome of patients with intercondylar distal humerus fractures treated by precontoured angular stable anatomical locking plates in inverted Y fashion, using a standard approach.
Materials and Methods: A total number of 24 patients with AO type C closed intercondylar distal humerus fractures were operated with open reduction through an olecranon osteotomy approach and internal fixation using two plates in inverted-Y fashion. Patients were followed at 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks and thereafter every 6 months. They were evaluated using the Mayo Elbow performance index and Riseborough and Radin Score.
Results: There were 9 (37.5%) men and 15 (62.5%) women with mean age of 46.72 years.79.17% of the cases were following fall and rest following Motor vehicle accident. AO type C2 fractures accounted for 45.83% of cases; type C3 fractures accounted for 33.33% of cases and type C1 accounted for 20.84%. According the Riseborough and Radin criteria, the results were Good in 14(58.33%) of patients, Fair in 9(37.50%) and Poor in 1(4.17%). According to MEPI, we had Excellent results in 5(20.83%), Good in 12(50%), Fair in 6(25%) and Poor in 1(4.17%) patients. The mean MEPI was 82±18.Thus according to MEPI, we achieved excellent to good results in ~70% of patients with 100% union rate and complications less than 13%.
Conclusion: Intercondylar fractures of humerus treated by Dual plating in inverted Y-fashionoffers a reliable and stable fixation permitting early mobilization and comparable functional outcome with good union rates.
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