Clinical study and management of congenital inguinal hernia in a tertiary care teaching institute
Background: Inguinal hernia in children is a quite common presentation and inguinal herniotomy is a frequently done procedure in children for inguinal hernia. Inguinal hernia has a higher familiar incidence and it has been observed with increasing frequency in twins and siblings of patient. The aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical presentation, management and outcomes of the patient with congenital inguinal hernia undergoing herniotomy.
Methods: This prospective study includes 54 patients who were operated for congenital inguinal hernia at Bundelkhand Medical College and Associated Hospital Sagar from April 2015 to October 2016. Patients of age group 2 months to 12 years were included in the study. Patients presenting with acute scrotal conditions like incarcerated hernia, strangulated hernia and obstructed hernia were excluded from the study. A detailed history, clinical presentation and routine investigations, were done in all cases.
Results: In the present study most of the patients were male. Inguinal hernia can occur at any age but majority of the patients 53.70 % are seen between 1-5 years of age. Swelling in the inguinal region was the commonest symptoms. Incidence is slightly higher on the right side. Almost all of the inguinal hernias in paediatric age group are of indirect type, which develops due to congenitally patent processes vaginalis. The most common post-operative complication was reactive hydrocele and all of them resolved by the second week. No recurrence was reported in the study.
Conclusions: Inguinal hernia is a common surgical condition in children. Early surgical intervention in form of inguinal herniotomy is the most appropriate management of inguinal hernia in children
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