Comparison of PFN (Proximal femoral nail) and DHS (Dynamic hip screw) in treatment of Intertrochanteric femur fractures
Introduction: Intertrochanteric femur fractures are common in the elderly people. The frequency of these fractures has increased primarily due to the increasing life span and more sedentary life style brought on by urbanization. The incidence of Intertrochanteric femur fractures is more in the female population compared to the male due to osteoporosis. Aim and Objective- To compare outcome of intertrochanteric femur fractures treated with DHS and PFN.
Methodology: comparative study of proximal femoral nail and dynamic hip screw in the treatment of 50 cases of intertrochanteric femur fractures in the Department of orthopedics, DY Patil Hospital Pune was done from July 2015 to July 2016.
Result: Result were almost similar in both groups.
Conclusion: It is most difficult task to assess and decide as to which technique is better out the two. Some studies reveal DHS to be better than PFN, while some studies show vice versa. Both the techniques are precise, time tested & require reasonable amount of surgical skill. Final decision depends on operative surgeon’s preference to specific technique.
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