A comparative study between plating & intramedullary nailing for displaced diaphyseal fractures of radius and ulna in adults
Background: In the current era of industrialization and with mechanized farming in India, fractures of forearm bones have become more common. The forearm serves an important role in the functioning of the upper extremity. Hence aggressive management through good anatomical reduction and internal fixation of these fractures has become a necessity. The purpose of this study was to assess and compare functional results of plating and nailing in fracture stabilization.
Methods: Retrospective and prospective study with the sample size of 20 patients with both bone forearm fractures. 10 patients were treated with dynamic compression plating and remaining 10 with intramedullary square nails. Results were assessed by time for union, type of fractures, range of motion of elbow and wrist joint, complications and functional assessment were done by Grace- Eversmann Criteria and DASH questionnaire. Results were statistically analysed with Mann- Whitney U-test.
Results: Out of 20 cases 18 were males and 2 females, with average age of 38.5 years. 12 fractures were of A32 type according to AO classification. Good or full range of mobility of elbow and wrist joints with excellent & satisfactory results were present in 16 patients as per Grace-Eversmann criteria. 2 patients showed ulnar nail back out while other 2 had delayed union of fracture, all seen with intramedullary nailing.
Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference between results of nailing and plating. However, it is concluded that while good functional results can be obtained with intramedullary nailing of forearm fractures, open reduction and internal fixation offracture remains the treatment of choice for most forearm fractures with adherence to AO principles.
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