Surgical management of fractures of distal end radius with locking compression plate
Background: Use of fixed angle locking plates with locking screws for fractures of distal radius support the subchondral bone and resist axial forces and an additional benefit is it provides additional strength to fixation by constructing a scaffold under the distal radial articular surface.
Aim: To assess the functional outcome of fracture of distal end of radius managed with locking compression plates.
Methodology: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted at our hospital for a period of two years. Totally thirty-two patients were included in the study. The fracture fragments were analysed and involvement of radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joints were assessed and classified according to the Frykman’s and AO classification. The appropriate plate is selected following the fracture reduction. Once stable fixation was achieved and hemostasis secured, the wound was closed in layers and sterile compression dressing was applied. All the patients were followed up for a period of 6 months.
Results: The outcome evaluation was measured based on demerit score system of Gartland and Werley and for 97% of the patients the results was in the range of good and excellent and for only one patient it was fair and none of the patient had a poor result.
Conclusion: Volar approach provides both access with minimal surgical trauma on distal radius and fixation with a better adaptation to surrounding tissues.
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