A clinico pathological study of fibroadenoma of the breast
Introduction: Fibroadenoma of the breast is a common cause of a benign breast lump in premenopausal women. Though considered as a risk factor for developmentof breast cancer, its reporting has been overshadowed by that of breast cancer.
Objective: Toanalyze the occurrence of fibroadenoma among different age groups, rural or urban background and among married and unmarried patients and to correlate clinical diagnosis with the histopathological diagnosis.
Materials and methods: This study includes total of 40 cases during the period from November 2009 to October 2011 using the records maintained at KIMS(Karnataka Instituteof Medical Sciences) Hospital, Hubli.
Results: From this study it is observed that the mean age of presentation was 25.55 years (range 15-48years). Itpresented as painless lump(75%), 80% of patients had the symptoms < 12 months (range 1 month -11 years). 24 cases (60%) had their fibroadenoma lump in their right. 32% of the patients had their fibroadenoma in upper lateral quadrant, slightly more compared to upper medial quadrant (30%). 28 patients (70%)had one lump, 45% of cases measuring less than 3 cm in size (range 1-11cms), 20% of cases had giant fibroadenoma. Tissue diagnosis was performed in 37 patients. 4 recurrent fibroadenoma cases operated in this study among which recurrence of 1 case occurred during the study period.
Conclusion: Fibroadenoma is a source of anxiety in teenage group and it should be dealt by surgical excision.
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