An epidemiological study to calculate angle between transepicondylar axis and posterior condylar axis of distal femur on MRI in Indian population
Introduction: Rotational positioning of femoral component is a critical aspect of total knee arthroplasty and evaluation of the landmark for rotation of distal femur is a challenge. Most Orthopaedic Surgeons prefer to use more available posterior femoral condyle axis.
Objectives: Aim of this study is to calculate the angle between TEA and PCA of distal femur on MRI in Indian population. This study is focused on the fact that angle between TEA and PCA may vary from 3 degrees and not fixed as most of the surgeons consider and most of the TKA implants are designed considering it fixed 3 degrees which can seriously affect the outcome and longevity of TKA.
Method: In this study MRI KNEE of 152 patients were studied to calculate angle between TEA AND PCA of distal femur. Software called LEONARDO wasutilized to calculate the angle on MRI images.
Results: Study shows the average angle of 4.54 degrees. No gender related disparity noted. No age-related increase or decrease of angle noted. In our study we found that, minimum angle between TEA and PCA is 2 degrees while maximum angle is 7.1 degrees.
Conclusion: Based on our study and results we conclude that the average angle between TEA and PCA in Indian population is 4.54 degrees. Thus, further studies will be required to investigate the effect of this angle over rotational alignment of femoral component during TKA’s and its immediate and longtermoutcomes. Study proves the angle not fixed to 3 degrees and individualistic approach from case to case basis maybe beneficial.
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