Analysis of prolene hernia system in the management of uncomplicated inguinal hernia in comparison to lichtenstein mesh repair
Introduction: Worldwide, inguinal hernia repair is probably the most commonly performed general surgical procedure. Hence, a slight refinement of surgical repair of inguinal hernia would mean a substantial benefit to the patient.
Aim: The study aims to compare the prolene hernia system (PHS) and Lichtenstein mesh repair (LMR) in the management of uncomplicated inguinal hernia.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective, comparative study done at a tertiary care hospital over a period of 18 months.
Results: Mean age of the patients in the study was 45.43 years. 98.2 % of patients were male and 69.2 % of hernia was right sided. The duration of surgery (36.48 minutes vs. 47.26 minutes) and duration of hospital stay (6.68 days vs. 7.61 days) was considerably lesser in PHS group when compared to LMR group and was statistically significant. Post-operative pain in PHS group was also lesser, though not of statistical significance. There was no difference between two groups in the rates of seroma formation, wound infection, scrotal pain/swelling, chronic groin pain, presence of foreign body sensation and recurrence.
Conclusion: Prolene hernia system is comparable to Lichtenstein mesh repair in the management of uncomplicated inguinal hernia but not good enough to replace it.
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