Study of association between cholelithiasis and ABO blood group
Introduction: The findings of Arid et al in 1953 regarding association between carcinoma of stomach and B blood group and then again in 1954 regarding association between peptic ulcer and O blood group opened a new approach to find association of blood group with other commonly occurring diseases. It is now well established that the blood group exhibits some relation with some diseases like nasopharyngeal carcinoma, duodenal ulcer, epistaxis, anemia and even cardiovascular diseases like coronary artery diseases and cardiac ischemia but such type of study with Gall stone formation is lacking.
Objective: The present study therefore aims to find out regarding any association between cholethiasis and ABO blood Group.
Method: Seven hundred patients were taken up for study from where by USG 100 patients were proven to be suffering from calculus cholelithiasis and confirmed by operations were considered as study group and the other 600 who were having other surgical problems without any gall stone admitted to this unit were taken as controls. The ABO blood group and Rh factor of both the groups were determined using the Tile or Slide testing methodand the frequency of occurrence of ABO & Rh blood group among gall stone disease patients (Study group) & nongall stone population (Control group) was assessed. The frequency distribution of ABO blood group and Rh factor among the study population was compared with that of control population by Chi Square test.
Results: The present study indicates thatCholelithiasis were found to be more common in O blood group individuals.
Interpretation & Conclusion: The present study suggests that A and B antigens were found to be a potential risk factor in the development of Gall stone disease as gall stone is more evident in group O individuals in comparison to non O individuals.
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