Management of peritonitis in a rural tertiary care institute
Introduction: Peritonitis is defined as the inflammation of the peritoneal cavity. Peritonitis due to perforation of gastro intestinal hollow viscus is the common surgical emergency in India and the spectrum of disease is different from that found in the western world.
Material and Methods: This study was done to know the various trends of management in peritonitis cases in Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh state of India. In this study of 200 cases of peritonitis coming to Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh were screened on the basis of lab investigations, X-rays (Chest & abdomen), ultrasonography, and abdominal aspiration when required.
Results: Majority of perforation peritonitis patient presented to emergency with dyselectrolemia, followed by septicemia, ultra-sonography showed free fluid and four quadrant aspiration s/o nature of peritoneal cavity fluid. Patients managed with initial resuscitation and surgery to correct the underlying pathology.
Conclusion: Closure of perforation with omental patching done in stomach and duodenal perforation with peritoneal toilet. Omental patching is the commonest surgical procedure done in the peptic perforations.
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