Clinical study of miscellaneous causes of intestinal Obstruction
Aims and Objectives: Preoperative diagnosis of intestinal obstruction and timely intervention toreduce postoperative morbidity and mortality.
Methods: A retrospective study of 124 cases ofintestinal Obstruction from June 2018 to November 2020 by examining previous clinical records interms of Clinical presentations, Laboratory investigations, Radiological investigations, Operativeprocedures, and Postoperative outcomes was done. Out of 124 cases, 40 cases were managedconservatively and were excluded from the study.
Results: Out of 124 cases, 40 were managedconservatively, 30 with Adhesive Obstruction,20 with malignant growth, 14 with Obstructed Externalhernias and 20 with miscellaneous causes. There were 20 cases of rare causes of intestinalObstruction, namely 2 Para duodenal hernia, two foreign body(phytobezoars) obstruction of ileum, 1- Obstruction by worm infestation, 6 cases of volvulus, one gall stone ileus, 1meconium plugsyndrome, and, 1 case of obstructed obturator hernia,1 case of Meckel's Diverticulum with IleocolicIntussusception, five patients with the varied presentation of abdominal Koch's Out of 20 unusualcauses, 17 cases were correctly diagnosed preoperatively by radiological investigations. 4 caseswere managed with Resection and Anastomosis, five unusual cases presented with gangrenouschanges and 2 cases needed ileostomy.
Conclusion: These rare cases can be diagnosed early by athorough history and clinical evaluation, and appropriate Radiological investigations to preventhazardous gangrenous changes and prevent morbidity and mortality in patients.
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