Rational use of antibiotics and its guidelines in surgical patients-a retropspective study
Introduction: Rational use of drugs means to prescribe the appropriate drugs in correct dose over an adequate period of time at a lower cost. Irrational use of antibiotic is harmful both for the patient and the society and hence the top cause of mortality and morbidity around the world. So the aim of the present study is to - 1. Avoid adverse effect of irrational use of antibiotics on patient. 2. Avoid emergence of antibiotic resistance. 3. Avoid unnecessary increase of cost of health care.
Methods: The study was conducted at the Surgery Unit II of the ESI-PGIMSR and ESIC Medical College, Joka, Kolkata- 700104, West Bengal. The Data was collected on random basis and the SSI was observed between the control and test group after rational and non rational treatment with antibiotics in some selected surgical patient.
Results: It was found that in some diseases like acute gall bladder stone, cholecystitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis if some other antibiotics are additionally used besides the recommended as usual antibiotics the significant betterment is achieved in relation to quick recovery of the patients along with minimization of surgical site infection with no other complications. On the other hand in some other diseases like Diabetes foot, hernia, etc. use of antibiotics beyond the recommended antibiotics aggravates some other complications in the patients along with no significant betterment of surgical site infection in Test group.
Conclusion: To conclude finally antibiotic resistance is a major problem worldwide and is inevitable and hence its rational use in proper guidelines is the only way of prolonging the useful life of the patients requiring antibiotics.
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