Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis – Still an Enigma
Introduction: Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) is a chronic inflammatory disease of thebreast, the aetiology of which has, as yet, not been fully established. The disease granulomatousmastitis was first described in the year 1972.
Purpose: To date, there have been numerous reportsregarding the symptoms, clinical examination, imaging findings and treatment options; however noprotocol for evaluation and treatment has been established.
Methods: A systematic search of theliterature was performed using a defined search strategy and articles selected after adequateindependent screening for suitability. The general understanding of the pathophysiology of thedisease as well as the various methods of investigation and treatment employed in the variousstudies were analysed.
Results: The most common modalities used for evaluation were ultrasoundscans and mammograms with some role for MRI scans too. Core biopsy is ideal to obtain a tissuediagnosis. Regarding the treatment, many options have been successfully used of which antibiotics,steroids and surgery have been the most common. Conclusion:
Consensus for an investigation andtreatment protocol will require more studies in future.
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