Profile of vitamin-D deficiency patients in a tertiary care centre, Bhopal: causes and its implications in health
Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency is widespread in individuals irrespective of their age, gender, race and geography. The aim of this study was to assess the status of Vitamin D deficiency in various age group in the people visiting Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal for their routine health check-up.
Material and Methods: This study was done in the department of Orthopaedics and department of Biochemistry, Chirayu Medical College and Hospital Bhopal. The study comprised of the total of 100 subjects. Five millilitre of venous blood was collected from subjects in plain vials (red top tube) and the serum Vitamin D level was assessed by ELFA method using Biomeriuxminividas.
Results: Among the 100 individuals studied in this study there was 66 Females and 34 Males. Among the study group studied it was found that approx. 25% of the total individuals studied are Vitamin D deficient i.e. having serum vitamin D level <20 ng/ml. 20% of the individuals in study group have insufficient vitamin D level i.e. between 20-29 ng/ml. 44% of the total individuals studied have sufficient Vitamin D level (between 30-100 ng/ml) in their sera but in this 44% individuals approx. 11% individuals have their serum vitamin D level in the borderline normal range i.e. between 30-40ng/ml.
Conclusion: As Vitamin D deficiency affects all age groups, therefore, strategies such as increasing awareness among masses about adequate exposure to sunlight, rich dietary sources of vitamin D and fortification of foods with Vitamin D which are consumed by majority of Indian population irrespective of the socio-economic status can be adopted and implemented for prevention and control of Vitamin D deficiency throughout the nation.
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