An analysis of post-burn problems in patients attending the OPD of a tertiary level care center
Background: To analyze post-burn problems of patients and to prepare a protocol and guidelines for the patient and attendants during hospitalization for timely intervention and to prevent the post-burn sequels and therapeutic measures with reconstructive surgical options like skin flap, skin grafting, etc. in patients attending OPD after healing of burns.
Methods: A prospective observational analysis was conducted, patients were analyzed and assessed with the help of a preformed questionnaire. Throughout this period a number of characteristics were evaluated on attending for an outpatient department like sex, age, social status, skin color, site, causes of burn, types of post-burn complications, psychological and social effects of burn on the patient, etc.
Results: Thermal burn (84%) is the most common cause of burns. Post-burn complications were most commonly seen in females of age group 15-30 years (77.27%), while it is more common in males of age group 30-45 years (52.63%). Post-burn complications were more common in the rural population of the low socio-economic group (61%).
Conclusion: Burns is a major concern for society and poses many psychiatric, social , aesthetic, and functional problems. The best approach is to avoid /prevent burns and when occurs, then it should be dealt with the utmost care and a holistic approach with proper concealing and rehabilitation is needed for these patients.
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