Evaluation of Austin Moore prosthesis in the femur neck fracture management: Retrospective study
Introduction: Femoral neck fractures have been considered unsolvable fractures ‘in the older era of orthopedics due to the high rate of associated complications, which include non-union and avascular necrosis of the femoral head, among others. The aim of the study was to assess the functional outcome following the use of Austin Moore prosthesis in the elderly population and to substantiate the use of AMP in modern-day orthopedic practice.
Materials and Methods: A total of 40 patients were included in the study. The patients who were more than 60 years of age, those were not having any major hip surgery or problem before the fracture; all those who were treated with Austin prosthesis were included in the study.
Results: The patients were graded as excellent, good, fair, and poor depending on the functional outcome of the study based on each of the criteria for the assessment of the hip. The score range from 30 to 95 in the present study. Good to excellent results were obtained in around 45% of patients, satisfactory results were obtained in 30% and the poor result was obtained in 25% patients.
Conclusion: Hemiarthroplasty with Austin Moore Prosthesis for fracture neck of femur gives fairly good long term functional outcome in elderly patients. Patients are, for the most part, without pain. Even if there, pain is usually not disabling and doesn‘t affect routine ambulation, except when the prosthesis is loose or there is acetabular erosion. These complications are the exception rather than the norm.
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