The relation between pelvic trauma (fractured pelvis) with posterior urethral distraction injury associated with erectile dysfunction
Background: The aim was to study the relation between posterior urethral distraction injury due to pelvic trauma (fractured pelvis) with erectile dysfunction and to do the clinical assessment of Erectile dysfunction by penile Doppler study for assessment of peak flow velocity.
Material and Methods: Total number of cases included in the study was 13, out of which 5 patients belonged to young (<30 years) age group, 5 patients belonged to middle (30-50 years) age group and 3 patients belonged to old age group. Out of the total 13 patients, 8 patients had pelvic fracture associated with urethral injury and 5 patients had traumatic urethral stricture without pelvic fracture.
Results: Out of 8 patients of pelvic fracture with urethral injury, all 8 developed erectile dysfunction after trauma. While among 5 patients of traumatic urethral stricture without pelvic fracture, 3 patients developed erectile dysfunction after trauma. While in traumatic urethral injury without pelvic fracture, amongst 3 patients who had erectile dysfunction, 2 patients had reduced flow on penile Doppler ultrasound and were classified as vascular erectile dysfunction while 1 patient was having a normal flow on penile Doppler ultrasound and was classified as neurogenic/psychological erectile dysfunction.
Conclusion: Pelvic fracture associated urethral injury has a high incidence of erectile dysfunction. Vascular erectile dysfunction in such patients is more common than neurogenic/psychological erectile dysfunction. And postoperatively (urethroplasty), there is no significant decrease in penile colour doppler vascularity in such patients.
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