A Comparative study of efficacy of Thiocolchicoside with Diclofenac vs Eperisone with Diclofenac in patients with back pain
Background: A number of drugs are available for the treatment of Low back pain (LBP) as per the available literature. This study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of Thiocolchicoside– diclofenac and Eperisone – diclofenac in patients with low back pain.
Materials and Methods: A prospective, open labeled, randomized, comparative clinical study was conducted in order to establish the efficacy of Thiocolchicoside – diclofenac and Eperisone – diclofenac in patients with back pain. Thirty patients of either sex with back pain were randomly allocated to two groups to receive either Thiocolchicoside (4 mg)+Diclofenac (50mg) twice a day (Group A) or Eperisone (150 mg) Sustained Release+Diclofenac (100mg) preparation once a day (Group B).
Results: The finger to floor distance was improved significantly after treatment with both the drugs for 7 days. There was a statistically significant difference in improvement of finger to floor distance of both the drugs and was marked in Group B. About 80% of the patients were normal after 7 days of treatment in Group B. The VAS scores and Global assessment scale had also shown the lower scores for group B compared to group A.
Conclusion: The Eperisone with diclofenac was found to be more effective in terms of Finger floor distance and improvement in Lasegue’s sign, VAS score and global assessment scale than Thiocolchicoside with Diclofenac.
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