Comparison of n butyl 2 cyanoacrylate and silk sutures for the minor surgical procedure: a clinical study
Background and Aim:The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical responses of intraoral mucosal incisions closed with n-butyl-2- cyanoacrylates with incisions closed with silk sutures.
Materials and Methods: In thirty patients requiring minor oral surgical procedures bilateral mucosal incisions were placed. One side was closed with n-butyl cyanoacrylate and other with silk suture. Postoperatively patients were recalled on 1st, 7th, 14th, and 21st day and evaluated for pain, edema, wound dehiscence, and scar. Results were evaluated using the chi-square test.
Results: The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between suture and cyanoacrylate for occurrences of pain, edema, and wound dehiscence, and scar formation. However, the averages time taken for suturing was considerable more than the time taken for cyanoacrylate application.
Conclusion: This study suggests that the efficacy of cyanoacrylate and suture in intraoral wound closure is similar for postoperatively finding like pain, edema, wound dehiscence, and scar formation. However, cyanoacrylate has certain advantages like ease of application, less time consuming, and is well accepted by patients.
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