Validity and reliability of faecal antigen test in identifying h. Pylori infection in adults with dyspepsia
Background: H. Pylori is one of underdiagnosed and undertreated in many developing countries, including in India. Faecal antigen test, which is a noninvasive, simple to conduct screening test is reported to be ideal for resource limited settings like India. But the reported validity and reliability of the test is quite variable and studies on the subject in Indian population are scarce.
Objectives: To assess the validity and reliability of faecal antigen test in diagnosis of H. Pylori in adult with dyspepsia.
Materials and methods: The current study is a prospective observational study conducted in a single tertiary care teaching hospital located in south India. Adults between 20 to 49 years, with symptoms of dyspepsia were included. Giemsa staining of Antral mucosal biopsy specimen was considered as gold standard. Faecal antigen test was conducted by ELISA. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and reliability (kappa statistic) were assessed.
Results: Faecal antigen positivity was seen in 57 (71.25%) subjects, The Antral mucosal biopsy has given 59(73.8%) positive results, The sensitivity, Specificity of the faecal antigen test were 94.92% (95% CI 89.30 to 100.5%), 95.24% (86.12% to 104.3%) respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 98.25% (94.83% to 101.6%) and 86.96% (73.19% to 100.7%) respectively. The overall diagnostic accuracy was 95% (90.22% to 99.77%). Reliability as measured by kappa statistic was 0.875 (P value <0.001).
Conclusions: Faecal antigen test has shown good validity and reliability in diagnosis of H. pylori infection.
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