Is Vitamin D deficiency an endangerment for Fracture?
Introduction: The incidence of fragility hip fracture is on a step increase. Vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of the bone. The decrease in the exposure to sun’s radiation leads to this deficiency causing a global threat. There were many studies pointing towards Vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for fracture. However, the relationship between serum Vitamin D and bone mineral density (BMD) in the senile osteoporotic fracture is still unclear. The aim of this study is to find out whether Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for fragility fracture.
Method: It is a prospective study done at Sri Ramachandra Medical College Chennai and Velammal Medical college Madurai between Jan 2017 to Dec 2019. The inclusion criteria were male patients age more than seventy and female patients more than sixty presented with fragility hip fractures. The group I was the cases, patients with hip fractures. The group II was the age and gender-matched control. All the patients included in the study underwent both Vitamin D 25 OH and Dexa scan. The current study had 56 patients in group I as cases and 54 patients in group II as control.
Results: The mean value of vitamin D 25OH in fracture patient group I was 19.85 and the age and gender-matched control group was 26.09. The current study had totally seventy-nine patients in the study who were either Vitamin D deficient or insufficient. The present study had 16 cases patient and 15 controls who were having sufficient level vitamin D.
Conclusion: Vitamin D has no role in fracture prevention and certainly Vitamin D deficiency is not an endangerment for fractures.
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