Isolated complete bladder neck transaction without pelvic fracture in a child: a rare presentation
Background: Urethral injuries account for 3.4% of the children admitted with traumatic injuries of the genitourinary tracts. Most of the urethral injuries are usually associated with bony injury. Very few of such cases reported without any association with bonetraum. Here, we report a rare case of isolated bladder neck injury without pelvic fracture.
Case report: The patient was a 12-year old boy admitted with a history of road traffic accident. Ultrasonography was suggestive of mild free fluid in perivesical region, cystogram was performed and an extravasation near the bladder neck was detected. CT urography revealedinjury at bladder neck and prostate region with contrast extravasation. On exploratory laparotomy there was evidence of Complete transaction of bladder neck present. Primary Vesicourethral end to end anastomosis was done. The post-operative course and follow-up was uneventful as patient had satisfactory urine flow rate with continence intact.
Conclusion: The present study highlights our experience with early repair of bladder neck trauma in a child with excellent outcome.
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