Comparative analysis of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction between bone-patellar tendon graft and hamstring tendon graft
Aim: The purpose of this study was to present the outcome of the results of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone-patellar tendon-bone graft and the hamstring tendon graft and their comparative analysis.
Material and Method: The basic population for the study consisted of the 35 patients who were operated upon (ACL reconstruction) during the period from August 2014to July 2018 and followed for ten months in two tertiary care institutes. The groups were analyzed with respect to the age, gender, duration between injury and surgery, side of the limb involved, and post-operative complications.
Result: 16 patients were present in each group and a total of 32 patients were studied. 26 patients were male and 6 were female. The mean duration of follow-up was 10.1 months for the hamstring group and it was 10.3 months for the patellar tendon group. The primary mechanism of injury of ACL was sports activity in 22 (68.5%) in total and it was 10 patients (62.4%) in patellar tendon group and 12 patients (75%) in hamstring tendon group Medial meniscus was injured in 7 (41.8%) patients in patellar tendon group and 5 (31.3%) patients in hamstring tendon group. Final results were evaluated using Lysholm's score and IKDC score.
Conclusion: There was a significant improvement in the stability of the knee postoperatively in both the groups but there was no significant difference in the functional outcome between patellar tendon and hamstring tendon groups.
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