Diagnostic laparoscopy in right iliac fossa
Ravichandran K.S 1,
1Dr. Ravichandran K.S., Associate. Professor, 2Dr.
Sivachandran K., Senior Resident, both authors are affiliated with Department
of General Surgery, Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Science
and Research, Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu, India
Address: Dr.
Ravichandran K.S, Associate. Professor, Department of General Surgery,
Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Science and Research,
Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu, India. Email: drksravichandranms@yahoo.com
Background: Abdominal pain is a common problem in both
males and females. Early Diagnosis is needed to rule out life threatening
emergencies. Diagnosticlaparoscopy is very much useful in giving proper
treatment and avoiding negative laparotomies. Aims & objectives: To study the use of laparoscope in patients
with acute or chronic right iliac fossa pain, to diagnose and confirm conditions
like acute appendicitis, abscess, perforation, mass formation, etc. where
clinical and imaging studies are inconclusive. Materials & Methods: Place: Department of General surgery, Melmaruvathur
Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Science and Research, Melmaruvathur. Period of study: June 2017 to January 2018.
Material: All patients with right
iliac fossa pain in the ages between ten years and seventy years were included
in this study. Results: Total 50
patients were included in this prospectivestudy. 29 patients (58%) were found
to have acute appendicitis. Complicated appendix cases like mass formation,
perforated appendix, appendicular abscess was found in 12 patients (24%). Normal
looking appendix was found in 3 patients (6%). Non appendix lesions were found
in 6 patients (12%). Conclusions: The
best approach in right iliac fossa pain is to do diagnostic laparoscopy and
proceed, rather than going for open appendisectomy. Diagnostic laparoscopy
gives all benefits of minimal invasive surgery. Not much of pain, shorter
period of hospitalization, small scars, low infection rates and most
importantly, accurate diagnosis and the correct treatment of most of the intra
abdominalconditionsarethe gifted things.
Keywords: Diagnostic laparoscopy, Appendicectomy,
Appendicitis, Right iliac fossa pain
Author Corrected: 20th November 2018 Accepted for Publication: 23rd November 2018
Right iliac fossa pain is a common problem among children and female.
Acute appendicitis is a common abdominal emergency which requires immediate
surgery. Diagnostic laparoscopy gives many advantages in the management of many
intra-abdominalconditions wherethe correct diagnosis could not be established
clinically or even withthe help of imaging studies. (Acute appendicitis,
pelvicinflammatory disease, Hollow viscus perforation, bowelischaemia etc.)
In most of the patients, the clinical signsand symptoms are masked by
the treatments given by the different physicians at different hospitals at
different points of time. Different radiologists giving different reports of
imaging studies and advising to correlate clinically. In these circumstances, there
is an absolute need to search for an alternate diagnostic tool. Here we thought
of diagnostic laparoscopyto solve the issue.
laparoscopy reduces the number of negative laparotomies in acute abdomen and
prevents severe peritonitis which may occur as a result of delay in diagnosis [3,4,5].
Materials &
Place of study: Department of general surgery. Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi
institute of medical sciences. Melmaruvathur. Tamilnadu
Type of Study: Prospective study
Criteria: Patients in the age group 10-70 years and
both male and female with acute or chronic right iliac fossa pain and suspected
appendicitis were subjected to diagnostic laparoscopy, after proper consent and
proper pre operative workup.
Exclusion criteria: Patients with suspicion of malignancy, severe
co morbid illness, pulmonary and cardiac disorders, were excluded from the
study. Patients with age less than 10 and more than 70 are were also excluded
from the study.
Methods- All lesions which were diagnosed, were
managed as per the standard protocol. For all patients, Post operative pain,
Reintroduction of diet, hospital stay, pre operative and post operative
complications were properly evaluated. All patients were followed up for up to
3 months.
Procedure- Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed with
proper care.Ryle’s tube used to decompress thestomach and Foleys catheter to
empty the urinary bladder.Antibiotics were started pre operatively and
continued according to the findings. Pneumoperitoneum was created by using
direct access method. Intra– abdominal pressure was kept initially 12 to 14mmHg
which was reduced to 10mmHg after insertion of all trocars. First 10mm trocar
was put in supra umbilical position.30 degree telescope (Stryker, USA) was used
and further trocars, 10mm, 5mm were inserted depending on the case. Most common
trocar positions used were two 5mm trocars in supra pubic and left iliac fossa.In
some cases 10mm trocar was used in left iliac fossa. Foot end of the patient
was elevated with left tilt in suspected cases of appendicitis. Appendicectomy
was done when appendix was found to be inflamed. A drain was kept in case of
appendicular abscess.
Normal looking appendix with no obvious any other pathology was found in
3 cases. In these cases also, appendix was removed for histopathological
examination.Other pathologies were dealt accordingly. Conversion to
midlinelaparotomy was done in two cases. Open appendisectomy was done in 3
cases. In case of spillage of pus, blood or purulent fluid,suction irrigation
with normal saline was done.Drains were kept in selected cases and the Drain
was removed after 48 to 72 hours. Orals were allowed after 12 to 48 hours
depending on pathology. Patients were discharged after 3 to 7 days. All
specimens were sent for histopathological examination. Follow up of the
patients was done after one week, two weeks and after onemonth.
50 patients underwent diagnostic laparoscopy. 22 patients were male and
28 patients were female. Most of the patients were in age group 20 to 40 yrs.
Conversion to laparotomy was done in two cases.
Table 1: Per operative findings
S.No |
Diagnosis |
Total, no. of males |
Total No. of Females |
Total No of Patients |
1. |
Acute appendicitis |
10 |
19 |
29(58%) |
2. |
Appendicular abscess |
3 |
2 |
5 (10%) |
3. |
Appendicular perforation |
2 |
1 |
3(6%) |
4. |
Appendicular lump |
2 |
2 |
4(8%) |
5. |
Normal lookingappendix |
2 |
1 |
3(6%) |
6. |
Ectopic pregnancy |
0 |
1 |
1(2%) |
7. |
Iliocaecal tuberculosis |
1 |
0 |
1 (2%) |
8. |
Ovarian cyst |
0 |
2 |
2(4%) |
9. |
Small bowel intussusception |
1 |
0 |
1(2%) |
10. |
Perforated ileum |
1 |
0 |
1 (2%) |
Total no of patients |
22 |
28 |
50 |
Acute appendicitis & Appendicular abscess
are two most common causes of right iliac fossa mass.
Abdominal pain is the most common complaint of majority of the patients
attending surgical clinics. There are many number of diseases and issues
including psychosomatic disorders, which can cause abdominal pain. Many
patients take self remedies and the pain scenario changes a lot. Sometimes, it
becomes very difficult to elicit proper history. Intensity of pain and pain
threshold also varies considerably from individual to individual. Increasing
incidence of medico legal cases threaten the treating doctor to come to
clearcut diagnosis for the sick person. If not diagnosed correctly, the patient
will be suffering a lot. Even imaging studies cannot help in diagnosing
conditions like bowel ischemia. Thus, the surgeon may be at a great difficulty.
Abdomen is Pandoras box. The standard teaching iswhenever in doubt,
always do a laprotomy and open the abdomen and, see the things. But now, with laparoscopy,
things are changing laparoscopy is an excellent tool, when ever the diagnosis
is in doubt.It is far better than open laprotomy.
Use of laparoscopy in the management of acute as well as chronic
abdominal pain is well established in literature [1,2,4,5,6,7]. Correct
diagnosis and best treatment are possible by laparoscopy in most of the
abdominal emergencies [1,5.8]. It is the best option in children and young
female due to multiple differential diagnoses. [9,10].
A review of the published research papers on Appendicitis shows the
following. Laparoscopic appendectomy should be recommended as standard
procedure for acute appendicitis [11]. Laparoscopy is an efficient diagnostic
and treatment tool in children with chronic unexplained abdominal pain, it
avoids serial examinations, prolong admission, battery of investigations and
unnecessary surgeries [12]. Laparoscopy may aid in the diagnosis of acute right
iliac fossa pain. However, intra operative diagnosis is not easy with almost
one- third of apparently normal appendices being inflamed histologically. We
wound therefore advocate the removal of a normal looking appendix in the
absence of other explanatory pathology [13,14].
Laparoscopic removal of the normal appendix produces no added morbidity
or increase in length of hospitalization as compared to diagnostic laproscopy.
It demonstrates cost effectiveness by preventing missed and future
appendicitis. Incidental laparoscopic appendecetomy is the preferred treatment
option [15].
Due to the consistently false negative rate of DL, and the low morbidity
rate for laparoscopic appendectomy, we support incidental appendectomy in
patients with lower abdominal pain [16].
All women of child bearing age suspected of having acute appendicitis
should undergo diagnostic laparoscopy prior to the planned appendicectomy, regardless
of the certainty of the preoperative diagnosis. This is currently the only way
to reduce the negative appendicectomy rate and establish a correct diagnosis
allowing prompt and appropriate treatment. In male patients and postmenopausal
women one may proceed directly to emergency appendicectomy [17].
Laparoscopic appendicectomy is increasingly being performed. Laparoscopy
is often used as a diagnostic tool in general surgical patients, particularly in
women, with lower abdominal pain. Most of the women patients are undergoing
diagnostic laparoscopy, with or without appendectomy. This has resulted in a
lower positive appendectomy rate, but a higher yield of a diagnoses other than
appendicitis, in the laparoscopic group, overall appendectomy rates, however,
have remained unchanged [18].
In our study, out of50 patients withright iliac fossa pain,41 patients
had appendicular pathology, 3 patients had normal looking appendix with no
other abdominal findings and remaining 6 patients had non appendicular
Laparoscopic appendesectomy was done in 26 patients having acute appendicitis.
Open Appendisectomy was done in 3 patients with acute appendicitis, reasons
being technical. Appendisectomy was done as per standard protocol. Allthe
specimens were sent for histopathological examination.TheAppendicular abscess
patient was treated with drainage and was put on drain.Appendicular lumps were
left untouched.In our series of patients, 3 patients had appendicular
perforation. Laparoscopic appendectomy with thorough peritoneal lavage was done
in these three patients. Pus & peritoneal fluid was sent for microbiology. Three
patients had normal looking appendix. These three patients were also done with
Appendisectomy. Overall total of 35 patients out of 50 had Appendisectomy. 32
laparoscopic Appendisectomy and 3 open appendisectomy.
Diagnostic laparoscopy followed by appendisectomy should be should be the
standard approach for appendicitis, irrespective of its anatomical and
pathological types. It is the method of choice for children and young women and
obese patients. It reduces rate of negative laparotomies. Thorough exploration
of peritoneal cavity is possible with laprosocpy. Non appendiceal lesions can
also be diagnosed and treated properly. Smallincision, Small scar, Minimal complications
like wound infection, postoperative adhesions, incisional hernia, loss of
fertility.are some of the real benefits of laparoscopy.Above all, Diagnostic
laparoscopy has a sensitivity and specificity of 100%.
Acknowledgement: I thank Dr Sivachandran for his contribution
during this studyand also in the process of manuscript preparation.
Conflict of Interest: None
Source of funding: Nil
Ethical clearance: Not applicable
How to cite this article?
Ravichandran K. S, Sivachandran K. Diagnostic laparoscopy in right iliac fossa pain. Surgical Update: Int J surg Orthopedics.2018;4(4):139-143.doi:10.17511/ ijoso.2018.i4.02.