sigmoid colon with gangrenous appendices epiploicae:A rare case report
Wadhawan G.1,
Vyas K.C.2
Wadhawan Gaurav, Assistant Professor, 2Dr. Vyas K.C.Professor and
Head, Department of Surgery,Pacific Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur,
Rajasthan, India
Corresponding Author:Gaurav
Wadhawan, Assistant Professor.
inguinal hernia is a common diagnosis in patients presenting with a painful and
not reducible groin mass. Sliding hernias are supposed to be more anatomically
challenging for a surgeon than an uncomplicated inguinal hernias. The
anatomical and physiological concept of sliding inguinal hernia is frequently
misunderstood by surgeons of all levels of experience. Except in sliding hernia,
the sigmoid colon is uncommonly found in an inguinal hernia.
Inguinal Hernia left side,Sigmoid colon,Appendices epiploicae
Author Corrected: 30th May 2018 Accepted for Publication: 5th June 2018
sliding inguinal hernia is a protrusion of retroperitoneal organ through an
abdominal wall defect and these are usually direct inguinal hernias containing
various abdominal viscera. It is estimated that 75% of all hernia occur in the
inguinal region [1]. Frequency of sliding hernia is estimated at 3-8%of all
elective operations of inguinal hernias.Inguinal hernias have a nature to
surprise with its unexpected contents. Appendix epiploicae in the hernia sac is
a rare entity and that too if hypertrophied and presenting as irreducible
hernia is still more uncommon. The content of the hernia sac may vary and
nearly all the abdominal organs have been found within hernia sac [2].Epiploic
appendices were first described by Vesalius in 1543 as anatomic entities along
the antimesenteric teniaecoli [3]. Hypertrophied and strangulated epiploic
appendix in the sac of inguinal hernia is very rare and not many cases have
been reported in the literature. The medline search shows case reported from Turkey
in 1989 and Russia in 2005[4,5]. We present an unusual case of incarcerated
left inguinal hernia containing sigmoid colon with abnormal hypertrophied
growth of appendices epiploicae engulfing another gangrenous appendices
epiploicae in it.
Case Report
58 year old male was admitted with complain of painful swelling left groin
since last 10 days, he had the history of swelling since last one year which
was reducible. No previous history of any surgery. Per abdominal examination
was soft, non -tender,bowel sounds present, there was a tender non reducible
swelling in the left inguinoscrotal region, cough impulse negative with feeble
gurgling sound on auscultation, could not reach above the swelling in scrotum,
left testis was palpable separately non tender, transillumination was negative.X-ray
abdomen was normal; CT scan showed that there is herniation of sigmoid colon
with abdominal fat through a defect into left inguinal region. The abdominal
fat is seen reaching up to the left scrotal sac along with small loculated
patient was investigated and taken for surgery, intraoperatively it was found
that it was a direct incarcerated sliding inguinal hernia with sigmoid colon
and its appendices epiploicae one of which was hypertrophied into a mass
engulfing other appendices (fig1) which was twisted around it and was
gangrenous with seropurulent fluid around its attachment in the scrotal sac.
Hypertrophied appendices epiploicaeFig-2: Gangrenous appendices epiploicae
contents of the sac were dissected, the gangrenous appendices epiploicae (fig2)
was excised and sent for histopathology, contents were reduced and hernioplasty
done with prolene mesh. The post- operative period was uneventful and patient
was discharged in a week in satisfactory condition. He is being followed up in
the outpatient department.
the first description of sliding inguinal hernia is often attributed to Galen,
the first precise, modern description of sliding hernia accentuating “specificity”
of this condition was made by Antonia Scarpa (1752-1832), Italian Anatomist and
surgeon professor at the Universityof Pavia in northern Italy. In his work “Sull’ernie”(on
hernias) he described in details the sliding variant of inguinal hernia[6]. In
adults virtually all cases of sliding hernias are seen in males [7].
Incarceration of inguinal hernias occur in10% of cases which in turn can lead
to obstruction, strangulation and infarction [8]. Among these complications,
strangulation is the most serious with potentially lethal sequelae [9].
content of inguinal hernias varies widely but in our case the contents of the
hernia sac was the incarcerated loop of sigmoid colon probably due to
redundancy. To our knowledge we were seeing that unusual presentation of
Appendices epiploicae for the first time; they were hypertrophied into a
tubular mass engulfing and encircling other gangrenous appendices. Appendices
epiploicae are fat containing peritoneal out pouching’s arising from the
serosal surface of the colon, found at any point between caecum and recto sigmoid
colon. The length may vary from 0.5 and 5cm [10]. These may have bacteriostatic
properties, may act as a cushion to blood vessels and may perform absorptive
action of the large bowel. Appendix epiploicae as a content of the inguinal
hernia sac is a rare phenomenon and very few cases have been reportedby now [4,
5]. Further hypertrophied and inflamed or gangrenous epiploicae as content of
inguinal hernia is also more rarely seen [11]. Earlier cases on relation of
epiploicae appendices and hernia have been reported from USA as early as 1920[12].
Mayank Jain has reported a case of epiploic appendagitis as an inguinal hernia
content which was treated laparoscopically [11]. HuseyinOzkurt has described CT
scan as diagnostic investigation modality in case of epiploic appendagitis, one
of this case had incarcerated inguinal hernia with inflamed and oedematous
appendix epiploicae of the sigmoid colon in the hernia sac [13]. Traditionally
sliding hernia was considered difficult to operateon [14].Our patient had
hypertrophied and gangrenous appendix epiploicae of the sigmoid colon
incarcerated in the inguinal hernia sac which was removed and the inguinal
hernia repaired. The patient recovered well after being discharged from the
hospital and was followed regularly post operatively with uneventful progress.
hernia is a common clinical condition which may be having varied contents in
its hernial sac and the list of contents is constantly increasing. We came
across an altogether different presentation of Appendices epiploicae which we
thought to share. Timely presentation of the patient to the doctor and timely
surgery helps in decreasing the mortality and morbidity of any acute cases
which should not be neglected.
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