Cartilaginous metaplasia in giant
fibrolipoma - arare case report
Vyas K. C1, Wadhwan G2,
Agarwal P3, Jain S4, Sujanani S5
1Dr. KC Vyas, Professor HOD, 2Dr. Gaurav Wadhawan, Assistant
Professor, Department of Surgery, 3Dr. Preethi Agarwal, Associate
Professor, 4Dr. Suraj Jain, Assistant Professor, 5Dr. Shashi Sujanani,
Professor HOD, Department of Pathology, Pacific Medical
College and Hospital (PMCH), Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Address for
Correspondence: Dr. Suraj Jain, Assistant Professor,
The most common benign tumors of the mesenchyme are the lipomas.
Lipomas can arise in any location in which fat is present. Different
histopathological variants of lipoma have been described including
fibrolipoma and chondrolipoma. Chondrolipoma is a rarely encountered
diagnosis and is considered as a cartilaginous metaplasia in lipomas of
large size. Given the rarity of this condition, we describe here a case
of giant fibrolipoma with cartilaginous metaplasia in thigh of an
elderly male patient.
Keywords: Fibrolipoma,
Giant, Cartilaginous metaplasia
Manuscript Received:
4th September 2017,
Reviewed: 14th September 2017
Author Corrected:
21st September 2017,
Accepted for Publication: 28th September 2017
Lipomas are benign, well circumscribed, connective tissue neoplasms.
They usually present as slow growing, solitary and asymptomatic,
subcutaneous or superficial lesions [1]. Most patients affected by
lipomas are in their fifth or sixth decade of life, and only rarely are
children affected [2].Different variants of lipoma have been described,
such as fibrolipoma, angiolipoma, myolipoma, spindle cell lipoma,
chondroid lipoma, chondrolipoma and osteolipoma [1,3]. Fibrolipoma is
characterized by the presence of prominent bundles of mature fibrous
tissue traversing the fatty lobules [2].Cartilaginous or osseous
metaplasia (chondrolipoma and osteolipoma) is rare and is mainly
encountered in lipomas of large size and long duration [3].
A 59 year old male patient presented to the surgery department with
history of swelling in the left thigh for last three years. Examination
revealed a large mass in anterolateral aspect of left thigh, which was
nontender, soft in consistency, non-compressible with well-defined
margins. The swelling was not fixed to the skin or underlying
structures. After the surgical resection of this mass, the
histopathology section of ourlaboratory received a single well
encapsulated fibrofatty tumor mass measuring 14×12
× 4 cms and weighing about 640 grams. Cut surface of the mass
was lobulated, yellow with myxoid appearing areas at places (Figure 1).
The tumor mass was sliced in further parallel ways but no areas of
hemorrhage or necrosis were noted. Multiple representative bits were
taken from the tumor mass and processed conventionally for paraffin
embedded tissue sections.
Figure-1: Cut
surface of the mass was lobulated, yellow with myxoid appearing areas
at places (Gross appearance)
Figure-2: H
and E stained sections showed admixture of mature adipocytes and
spindle shaped cells along with islands of mature cartilage Microscopy
(H&E 40 x)
Microscopically, H and E stained sections showed admixture of mature
adipocytes and spindle shaped cells along with islands of mature
cartilage (Figure 2).No areas of hemorrhage or necrosis were noted. No
evidence of any malignant transformation was noted. These
histopathological findings favoured a diagnosis of fibrolipoma with
cartilaginous metaplasia.
The etiology of lipomas is unclear. They have been reported to be both
sporadic and inherited [4]. For a lipoma to be referred to as
“giant”, the lesion should be at least 10 cms
indiameter [2]. In our case, the lipoma was of 14
×12×4 cms in size. Fibrolipomas may develop in
virtually any region that contains fat, but in general, they tend to
appear on trunk, neck, and upper extremities. The fibrolipoma with
cartilaginous metaplasia of our case was located in thigh.
Chondrolipoma is the mature adipocytic lesion displaying cartilaginous
metaplasia (mature cartilage). It is an infrequent occurrence, which is
predominantly observed in large-sized, long-standing lipomas [5].The
cartilaginous metaplasia observed in lipoma of our case was also of
large size (14 cms in largest dimension) and of long-standing duration
(3 years). There is a terminologically similar entity known as
Chondroid lipoma. It is a benign adipose tissue tumour which contains a
chondroid matrix, fat and lipoblasts. Both clinicians and pathologists
should be aware of the terminological (but not histological) similarity
between chondrolipomas and chondroid lipomas [6].
According to previous case reports, chondrolipomas arise mostly from
the breast [7] or from head and neck region [1,6]. The occurrence in
extremities is extremely rare and very few case reports of
chondrolipoma are available to the best of our knowledge [5,8-10].
The malignant transformation of a lipoma into a liposarcoma is rare as
is the sarcomatous transformation of giant lipomas. It is important to
differentiate giant lipomas from liposarcomas, malignant fibrous
histiocytoma and other benign soft tissue lesions [4]. Indeed, the main
concern in the diagnosis of giant lipomas should be the exclusion of
malignancy [2]. In our case after extensive sampling, the tumour mass
revealed features of fibrolipoma with cartilaginous metaplasia. No
evidence of any malignant transformation was noted.
Chondrolipomas are rare with very few cases reported in the literature.
Being well demarcated in nature, makesthem easily resectable by surgery
and they do not recur. The additional presenceof giant fibrolipoma
makes it a unique case report. This case highlights the importance of
extensive sampling in cases of giant lipomas to detect it’s
variants, associated metaplasias and to rule out malignancy.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: None initiated.
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Vyas K. C, Wadhwan G, Agarwal P, Jain S, Sujanani S. Cartilaginous
metaplasia in giant fibrolipoma - a rare case report. Surgical Update:
Int J surg Orthopedics. 2017;3(4):127-129.doi:10.17511/ijoso.2017.i4.06.